The Gift of Darkness

When darkness descends, it can be consuming, all-encompassing. It doesn’t take long for fear, anxiety, and uncertainty to dominate our thoughts and infiltrate our actions. And yet, the human experience of traversing darkness often leads to great light. Maybe not today, maybe not this year. Sometimes the arch of finding the goodness that pain and […]
Surviving to Thriving

We all experience struggle or hardship – loss, divorce, trauma, disease, war. Sometimes the struggles are smaller like getting cut from the team or strain on a friendship. Our struggles great and small feel unique to us all. Its not hard to bring to mind people who decide, sometimes unwittingly, to sit inside of struggle […]
Plan for Success

Have you ever noticed that when you ask someone about their day, a common answer is “it was a long day”. “Long” is usually code for feeling beat down. Instead of the grind, let’s plan for success. No Plan is No Good Most of us are reactive, and by that I mean that most people […]
One Change That Changed Everything

Phase 2 – I have to make a change My 32nd birthday came and I had been out of hockey for 4 years. There I was celebrating with my family and feeling disgusted with myself. I was thinking, “why do these people even want to be around me?” I had a miserable attitude, never worked […]
Self-Mastery Happens One Day at a Time

Phase 3 – Focused on the present What I have learned in the last 6 years is that the only thing that I need to focus on is now, today. Each moment is a chance to make the right choice, move one step closer to my life’s mission. I have a vivid and clear picture […]
Taking Control of Fear

Fear, doubt, and uncertainty are inner foes that regularly thwart forward progress. Fear out in the world is presented constantly in the daily news cycle and is legitimate when mass shootings have become almost common place. But succumbing to that fear or choosing a life built around fear limits us in every way. Fearlessness is […]
Embracing Silence

Being present for every moment – doesn’t that sound lovely? Moments where we feel our true self resonate. Moments to connect purely with loved ones or experience mother nature at her finest. These moments are the priceless currency we bank into our “life well-lived” account. Yet it doesn’t take much for days to overflow with […]
Take a Personal Stance

The collision of what we are perceived as and what we perceive ourselves to be can be vastly different. There are many reasons our true selves might be held back from the surface – a job title, new surroundings, an attachment to a friendship, or maybe the story we tell ourselves. Whatever the reason, these […]
Control the Controllable

Most of us grow up having a vision of what our life will look like one day. It looks a little different for everyone, but for most it includes landing a dream job, getting married, and having a family. Regardless of what it looks like, one thing is true for everyone – we think we […]
Release Fear

Fear is a basic human emotion that prevents us from doing dangerous or harmful things – like shaking hands with a grizzly bear. Fear also disguises itself as anger, anxiety, jealousy, and a bunch of other lousy emotions. Since none of these feel great, we tend to avoid fear and its friends at all […]