Growing Together

If you want to live out your greatest potential, the opportunity of your lifetime is growing together with your family. Not despite them. Imagine a deep, profound, and loving connection that is playful, curious, and creative. That is the possibility and reality of doing the work of mastery as a family. Our guest today is […]
Growing as a Husband and Father

“Good. Fine. Busy.” Could these words be your response to how you, your family, and your job are? Distant, disconnected? Well, our guest Larry Hagner hears a lot of that. Here he shares lessons hard-earned as an imperfect man committed to learning and growing as a husband and father. Larry founded The Dad Edge – […]
Five A’s of Strong Relationships

Strong relationships are the backbone of family life. Relationships that support us, guide us, help us grow, and so much more. Whether that is with our spouse, our children, or even ourselves, it is safe to say we all wish for these relationships to be positive experiences. However, consistently feeling confident in knowing how to […]
Uncovering the Light Behind the Story

Our strength is our “light.” The moment we are born, our story begins. Like any good story, our life has themes, evolving characters, plots, twists, challenges and victories throughout. In the stories we love there is usually something important to protect or save. The same is true for your story. In your story there is […]
Gender Brain Differences and Relationships

We know that communication is important for relationships. But it’s not always easy! Right? Let’s face it. Male and female brains can be very different from each other. Maybe taking a closer look at the differences may smooth our efforts to talk with one another. Can you believe one favorite analogy involves food? “Men are […]
Gratitude in Relationships

A young couple sits across from me on the therapy couch. They are here for premarital counseling. They hold hands, they smile at each other. I say: “So you want to grow old together. What does that mean to you?” One of them responds: “I imagine sitting on a bench, holding hands and watching a […]
A Better Physical Connection

The physical strength cultivated through marriage is reflected in many facets. Sharing responsibility for the physicality of raising toddlers, for example, is just one of many ways to physically foster the relationship. However, the ultimate physical communication of the marriage is intimacy. Truthfully, sex is the distinguishing factor that separates an intimate relationship from a […]
Improving Relationships By Eliminating Fear

When we think of the landscape of our relationships and marriages, there are many nuances to making a partnership last and thrive over time. Loving relationships built on respect, communication, and physical connectedness offer a rich lifetime experience. However, cracks in our foundations can come as we experience financial strain, crisis, or the ups and […]
Time and Transforming Relationships

An immensely valuable tool in building strong relationships is to appreciate (and harness) the power of distinctions. We learn about the world in which we live and co-create that world via the power of distinctions. Essentially, when we understand how we can use time in transforming relationships, we create an intentional existence. Yet, for many […]
Be Impeccable With Your Word

In my practice, I try to share simple, powerful ideas on how to improve communication skills so our relationships – both personal and professional – can thrive. In my last article, I talked about the importance of deep listening. Today I want to focus on being impeccable when it comes to one word – but. […]