Helping Kids in Crisis

Many times when a family comes to the pediatrician’s office in crisis, they are distraught and overwhelmed. The crises range significantly in severity.  Serious challenges such as death or significant illness in the family, job loss, escalating problem behavior or mental health concerns are not easy to navigate. At other times, just getting caught up […]

Parenting Masters

If you are a parent of any child over the age of 1, you are probably experiencing the full throttle Parenting Olympics.  You know – the cut throat competition to be the best, have your child in the most activities with the most stressful schedule, and make all the “right” decisions.  This competition is beyond […]

Taking Control of Fear

Fear, doubt, and uncertainty are inner foes that regularly thwart forward progress.  Fear out in the world is presented constantly in the daily news cycle and is legitimate when mass shootings have become almost common place.  But succumbing to that fear or choosing a life built around fear limits us in every way.  Fearlessness is […]

No Fear: How a Growth Mindset Shapes Kids

Kids meet many challenges – big and small – but their ability to work through challenges has a lot to do with mindset.  Dr. Mary Beth Leibham shares how mindset affects our kids and how parents can foster improved mindset.  At Villeau, mindset also represents a chance for our kids to think beyond a specific […]

Positive Parent-Child Interactions

We all desire to raise great kids who know they are loved.  Improving relationships with our children and regularly having positive parent-child interactions doesn’t have to be complicated. In this podcast, Dr. Michael Axelrod shares his simple tips for building healthy parent-child relationships.  In his discussion with Cole, Dr. Axelrod outlines a concept he calls […]

Picky Eating Solutions

Having a picky eater at home can feel a bit like running on a hamster wheel. We are racing to figure out ways to improve food choices but often getting nowhere. There are a million ways small children can be picky about food – textures, flavors, when, where, and so on. However, there are simple […]

When is Picky Eating More Than Picky Eating?

It can be quite common for most children to go through a stage of ‘picky eating’ or refusal of certain foods. However, if mealtime is becoming stressful or your child is beginning to consistently limit food choices, there might be something else going on. A child’s behaviors tell caregivers a lot about their eating. Some […]

Discipline That Works

All parents wonder about effective discipline for their children regardless of age. However, disciplining older children and teens can be challenging if for no other reason than they have so much more freedom and independence from us. Dr. Mike Axelrod sat down with Cole to discuss effective discipline for older children and teens. He brings […]

Characteristics of a Gifted Learner

Do you ever wonder if your child is different than other children when they develop a passion for dinosaurs, or electricity, or rocks, or…and they just won’t let go of the passion? They need to know everything there is to know about the topic and even then, continue the quest for more information! Does your […]

Supporting Special Needs in School

Navigating the school environment for a child with needs can be challenging.  Dr. Angela Axelrod, a school psychologist, met with Cole to discuss how schools are set up to help kids with a variety of needs and how to navigate available resources.  Dr. Axelrod points out that there are eight categories of needs that schools […]