Mental Toughness for Families

What if your family was capable of weathering any storm? Resilient. Strong. Flexible. How might that create a whole new reality for you? Here Dr. Lara Pence shares insights from her new book, co-authored with Joe De Sena, 10 Rules for Resilience: Mental Toughness for Families. Let the light bulb moments begin! Meet Dr. Lara […]

Moving Toward Wellness

moving toward wellness

What would you do with a body filled with health? How might you serve in a body where anything is possible? Our physical bodies are gateways to health, wellness, and growth. Yes, movement can help us feel good about the way we look. However, that is incredibly boring compared to how it makes us feel […]

Anything is Possible

It is easy to do the thing we are “supposed” to do. Keep the job that you went to college to have. Stay in the house you are supposed to love. But it is our firm belief that in this life, anything is possible. Our guest today, C.G. Cooper, believes the same. While married with […]

Growing as a Husband and Father

“Good. Fine. Busy.” Could these words be your response to how you, your family, and your job are? Distant, disconnected? Well, our guest Larry Hagner hears a lot of that. Here he shares lessons hard-earned as an imperfect man committed to learning and growing as a husband and father. Larry founded The Dad Edge – […]

Training Resilience and Courage

mental strength

Does anyone else think this past year has required a touch of mental toughness? Doesn’t matter which end of which spectrum you’ve landed on, this past year has felt charged, chaotic, and uncertain. Although, I dare you to find a time as a parent where those three words wouldn’t just describe a typical day?! This […]

Heal, Connect, & Grow Energetically

Mind-blowing. That’s the only way to describe this conversation with Judy Buchanan, a Medical Reiki Master. This is the single most influential conversation I’ve had in years. Here we tackle self-development, relationship growth, and parenting mastery all from the energy that flows within our own bodies! Get ready to heal, connect, and grow energetically – […]

Five A’s of Strong Relationships

mother and daughter sharing moment of affection

Strong relationships are the backbone of family life.  Relationships that support us, guide us, help us grow, and so much more.  Whether that is with our spouse, our children, or even ourselves, it is safe to say we all wish for these relationships to be positive experiences.  However, consistently feeling confident in knowing how to […]

Simplifying Family Life

Lack of time and busyness are common sources of stress for families.  Parents often reporting being on the go all day long. These time pressures likely stem from the value our society puts on achievement and productivity. Increased attention to academics, athletics, and enrichment activities has impacted many families’ lifestyles such that downtime for parents […]

Raising Grateful Children

‘Thank you’ is considered a hallmark of grateful children.  Many parents consistently prompt their children to use this phrase upon receiving a gift, a compliment, or favor. While saying ‘thank you’ is an important aspect of gratitude, gratitude is a complex experience that extends beyond using simple phrases. We also know that gratitude is associated […]

Simplifying Meditation for Kids

Wiggly kids and device wielding teens may seem hard to focus.  Like us, they sometimes find it challenging to bring themselves back to center.  Practices like mindfulness and meditation are taking off in the current climate of our culture as a means to break free from technology and slow the ever churning pace.  The space […]