Jump Up

This is going to burn in the best way possible. Enjoy! Jump Up 100 jumping lunges Every time you take a break, perform 5 push-ups Record your total time. As you continue to build strength and stamina, this is a great workout to come back to. By recording your time, you’ll have a way to […]
Chicken Parmesan Burgers

Grilling season is here and this delicious flip on a seasonal classic will have your crowd raving. Chicken parmesan burgers incorporate Italian flavors with a casual twist. Not only are they delicious, but they are also fast. This 20-minute dinner keeps home cooking simple and yummy! Roasted zucchini is the perfect side! The recipe is […]
Three Sets

Three quick sets to get the job done! Let’s get started. Three Sets Three movements, three sets: Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 21 Thrusters 15 Thrusters 9 Thrusters 21 Push-ups 15 Push-ups 9 Push-ups 1 minute – 2 steps forward, 2 steps back 1 minute – 2 steps forward, 2 steps back 1 minute […]
Total Core

Fun movement combo to build core stability, cardio, and glutes. Be mindful of integrating shoulders into the shoulder cuff and lift core to the sky. Here we go. Total Core 12 minutes as many rounds as possible of: 20 mountain climbers 20 donkey kicks 12 supermans Fun for Kids: The movements today are fun by […]
Calming Breath Practice

The Mother’s Breath is an all-time favorite practice to calm the mind-body system. This calming breath practice will sooth the physiology of the body which will slow the churning of the mind. No matter what count you decide to use, the inhale will always be HALF as long as your exhale. Some examples include: 4 […]
Sun Salutations

Perfect for a warm-up, recovery day, or before bed wind-down, this yoga practice addresses full body flexibility and stability. If enjoying this practice alone, really focus on breathing through the nostrils only for both inhale and exhale. Focusing on the breath while connecting to movement is a powerful way to move from external work to […]
Family Dinner – More Than a Meal

March is National Nutrition Month. Although that is likely low on the list of priorities! However, there are some beautiful opportunities unfolding despite the chaos. Opportunities for simple fun together. The connected, time with our family, time to grow together kind of fun. We’re talking the family dinner! Oh, does that not immediately bring to […]
Chicken and Veggie Stir Fry

Perfect for a weeknight meal, this delicious combo is done in 20 minutes. Bursting with color and flavor – not to mention lean protein and veggies – this quick and easy meal with have your crowd raving. Oh, did I mention it is only 7 ingredients! Yes, this chicken and veggie stir fry is a […]
Balancing Practice

Cultivate balance in the body – which helps support balance in the mind, emotions, and life in general. Balancing Practice Before beginning this or any other fitness program, please consult your physician. The user assumes all risk or injury in the use of this program. The health, fitness, and nutritional information provided on this site […]
Easy Egg Cups

These quick and easy egg cups are the perfect recipe for two possibilities: Entertaining a large group (major crowd pleaser) Make-ahead breakfast for a family on-the-go Yes, despite how truly simple they are to make, everyone will be raving and asking for more. Not to mention that you only need SIX ingredients. Now, if the […]