Overcoming Mariage Insecurities

Ready for a light bulb moment? Cole’s conversation with therapist Chris Gazdik will shine a light on a common marriage challenge: insecurities that drive our behavior. According to Chris, insecurities often drive cyclical arguments – the ones we have over and over again. This interview is a must-listen if you are ready to put some […]
Breath Practice

Breath practice is a cornerstone of our personal development pathway. The practice settles the body along with the mind, emotions, and the hum of everyday life. Box Breathing has been made popular by Jake and Cole’s mentor, Mark Divine, creator of Unbeatable Mind. Box Breathing has four parts: inhale hold (breath retention) exhale hold (breath […]
Vital Energy Maintenance

Ever feel like you are giving from an empty cup? Yeah, life (and parenthood) can be like that. In this podcast, we welcome back our friend, Judy Buchanan, to discuss vital energy maintenance. We discuss how to build energy stores to heal and restore our bodies. Instead of giving from the last drop, we can […]
Burpees & Planks

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.” F.M. Alexander Burpees and Planks Enjoy getting a total body workout and your heart rate up in this quick 10-minute burner! Part 1: 5 Minutes: Every minute, on the minute, perform 10 burpees. Rest the remainder of the minute. […]
Strong Legs

Your legs will be barking – no doubt. Enjoy the burn. Strong Legs Set timer for 20 minutes. Every minute, on the minute, perform: Minute 1 – 12 air squats Minute 2 – 12 jumping air-squats Minute 3 – 12 skater jumps Minute 4 – 12 lunges Minute 5 – rest Repeat 4 times For […]
Growing as a Husband and Father

“Good. Fine. Busy.” Could these words be your response to how you, your family, and your job are? Distant, disconnected? Well, our guest Larry Hagner hears a lot of that. Here he shares lessons hard-earned as an imperfect man committed to learning and growing as a husband and father. Larry founded The Dad Edge – […]
Training Resilience and Courage

Does anyone else think this past year has required a touch of mental toughness? Doesn’t matter which end of which spectrum you’ve landed on, this past year has felt charged, chaotic, and uncertain. Although, I dare you to find a time as a parent where those three words wouldn’t just describe a typical day?! This […]
OODA Loop Parenting

What does a military strategy tool have to do with parenting? More than you might expect. The OODA Loop was developed by Colonel John Boyd of the United States Air Force to aid decision making in uncertain and chaotic environments. Ah, there’s the parenting connection! There are few things more chaotic or completely uncertain than […]
Hip Opening

Hip opening yoga practice to strengthen and stretch legs. Enjoy the release and integration. Before beginning this or any other fitness program, please consult your physician. The user assumes all risk or injury in the use of this program. The health, fitness, and nutritional information provided on this site is for educational purposes and should […]
Midnight Antioxidant Smoothie

Is there anything more dreamy than superfoods blending into beautiful deliciousness? I think not. This antioxidant-rich smoothie is energizing food for the mind and body. Packed with superfoods like wild blueberries, spirulina, greens, and nut milk, this is a go-to for a quick breakfast, lunch, or post-workout snack. Antioxidants are powerful health agents. Their superpowers […]