The Power of Grey Thinking

Between the hard edges of black-and-white thinking is a world full of possibility. Here author Sandra Wigg joins us to share insights and tools from her book, The Power of Grey Thinking: Elevate Your Perspective Elevate Your Life. We learn how grey thinking can make us more resilient, create more opportunities for learning and growth, […]
Conscious Birthing

If you are contemplating having children or are in the process of growing your family, this conversation is a must-listen! Victoria Rose, a pre- and perinatal educator and birth consultant, joins us for a discussion on conscious birthing. You’ll learn how women can harness the innate wisdom of their bodies, connect with their babies before, […]
System Loading

There are inputs everywhere: through our senses, our environment, technology, relationships, and so much more. Our systems must learn how to navigate and respond to these inputs that have become nearly constant. For our children, this process is especially dynamic as their nervous systems load and respond to new and evolving inputs. Here we learn […]
The Mind Gym

Ready to optimize your mindset and thought patterns and create a powerful vision for the future? This episode is for you! Jim Brault of Mind Gym Bro joins Cole to share how to train your brain to increase strength, resilience, positivity, and healing with techniques that ANYONE can use. Learn how to create more capacity […]
Growing Together

If you want to live out your greatest potential, the opportunity of your lifetime is growing together with your family. Not despite them. Imagine a deep, profound, and loving connection that is playful, curious, and creative. That is the possibility and reality of doing the work of mastery as a family. Our guest today is […]
Simple & Healthy Nutrition for Kids

In a busy family, it can be challenging to prioritize your kids’ nutrition. Unfortunately, easy and fast often means full of sugar, fat, and highly processed. Here, functional nutritionist Melanie Sliwka shares strategies for simple and healthy nutrition for kids that are fun and empowering. Having participated in her Kids Food Fight program, I can […]
End Diet Sabotage

Is your relationship with food one of shame, internal battles, and self-sabotage? Our guest, Registered Dietitian Gina Worful, shares how to get off the diet hamster wheel and into the health and wellness you (and your body) desire. It’s time to end diet sabotage by tuning into the messages of our bodies and gaining awareness […]
Live an Unshakeable Life

Hers is a heroic story. Jessie is the epitome of fierce grace. She left a life of abuse and trauma to create a life full of strength and power. She is full of fire, wisdom, forgiveness, and light. This mother’s journey will inspire you to remember who you are and let your life tell a […]
The Crucible

Challenge often transforms us in surprising, wonderful, and even necessary ways. That doesn’t mean getting from point A to point B is easy, not even close. We see the most significant transformation by embracing discomfort and uncertainty, the exact things we spend most of our life trying to avoid. Crucible events are designed to change […]
New Parenting Paradigm

Ready for more connection, joy, and freedom in parenting? Dayna Martin will have you rethinking the traditional authoritative parenting paradigm that leaves you exhausted and disconnected. Instead, she invites us to consider a new parenting paradigm of partnership and an environment where everyone’s needs matter. You will learn how to: Move from the paradigm of […]