If you want to live out your greatest potential, the opportunity of your lifetime is growing together with your family. Not despite them. Imagine a deep, profound, and loving connection that is playful, curious, and creative. That is the possibility and reality of doing the work of mastery as a family.
Our guest today is our mentor, friend, and master coach, Michael Ostrolenk. He shares how personal development work can translate into growth for the individual, the couple, and the whole family unit.
Family is the ultimate team to grow with. All your buttons will get pressed. Every habit you have will be known. The deep connection that your heart yearns for can be uncovered and rediscovered. It is all right there!
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Growing Together
Meet Michael Ostrolenk

Michael Ostrolenk has been exploring the relationship between post-conventional living, transformational leadership, optimizing health, and regenerative paradigms his whole life. His interest in human growth and personal development began when he was 9 years old. At that time, he worked with psychotherapist Pat Lawson learning biofeedback, meditation, and guided imagery.
In the late 1990’s he received his master’s degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from John F. Kennedy University and completed post-graduate somatic psychology training from the California Institute for Integral Studies. As part of his post-graduate studies in body-oriented psychology, he was also trained and certified as a massage therapist from the McKinnon Institute. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, he served patients dealing with mental illness, neurological impairments (Center for Adaptive Learning), chronic & life-threatening diseases, and relationship problems. This included working with the Cancer Support Community in San Francisco, founded by Treya Wilber.
During this time, he served on the Board of Directors for the Health Medicine Forum and the Project Director for their Health Panel Program under the tutelage of Dr. Len Saputo. The Health Medicine Forum was a group of healthcare practitioners from all disciplines who were dedicated to the collaborative exploration, practice, and advancement of patient-centered integrated medicine
Michael also worked as a research assistant with Elisabeth Targ M.D. and Larry Scherwitz Ph.D. at the Complementary Medicine Research Institute at the California Pacific Medicine Center, working on grants to study the use of various body/mind practices and traditional medicine approaches to cancer.
Mr. Ostrolenk worked with Julie Motz in the late 90’s in an experimental group using energy medicine for patients dealing with ALS as well as providing energy medicine to patients while they were in surgery.
Michael also worked with Len Ochs, experimenting with his neurofeedback device called at the time FlexyX in the late 90’s.
In the early 2000’s he joined Ken Wilber as a founding member of the Integral Institute. Around this time, he also got certified in Spiral Dynamics under Don Beck Ph.D. and Wade Mindsets under Jenny Wade Ph.D.
Ostrolenk is also a transpartisan Social entrepreneur who is a leading expert in the field of transpartisan public policy. He has successfully convened policy initiatives in the areas of transparency, privacy, defense, foreign policy, and national security from 2001-2020. He co-founded and served as National Director of the Liberty Coalition, a transpartisan coalition of groups working to protect civil liberties, privacy and transparency from 2005-2020. Michael created and led the transpartisan Medical Privacy Coalition. 2001-2007. Served as Senior Political Analyst for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons 2001-2011 and Citizens for Health 2001-2016.
In response to unconstitutional wars, in 2008, Ostrolenk co-founded the American Conservative Defense Alliance, which promoted a traditionally conservative foreign and defense policy. He was also a fellow at ICIT: Center for Cyber-Influence Operations Studies (CCIOS) in 2018. From 2016-2020 he served as Coalition Coordinator for the National Election Defense Coalition.
Serving as Co-Director and President of Reuniting America, he organized and ran transpartisan leadership retreats from 2006-2008. He was also on the steering Committee for Open the Government 2015-2019.
He has consulted for Edwatch, Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology, Pentagon Budget Campaign, and the Arlington Institute.
Committed to excellence and a life-long learner, he graduated from SEALFIT’s three-week academy in 2009 and completed SEALFIT Kokoro camp. He has also studied various martial arts, including Tae Kwon Do, Japanese Jujitsu, Krav Maga, and Shaolin Kempo. Michael is also certified in MovNat. Some of his training in somatic and transpersonal psychology include; Body-Mind Practices – East and West; Healing and Heuristic Potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness; Sensory Awareness; Family Systems: Somatic Movement Approaches I; Family Systems: Somatic Movement Approaches II; The Body: Experiences and Conceptualized Towards a Practical Phenomenology; Altered States of Consciousness; Intelligence and Insight Ways of Knowing; Body Oriented Psychotherapy – Panic & Depression; Body Oriented Psychotherapy – Inner Critic.
Mr. Ostrolenk is a Master Coach and Head Instructor with SEALFIT Unbeatable Mind Academy. He worked closely with CDR Mark Divine (Ret- U.S Navy SEAL), creating the Unbeatable Mind Online Accelerated Learning program in 2010. He also co-created and ran Unbeatable Mind’s Master Mind group, the Inner Circle (2015-2019.) Michael worked with Sean Hargens, Ph.D. in 2018 in co-creating the Unbeatable Mind Coach in Training Program. He presently serves as faculty for the program. He also helped to organize and coordinate SEALFIT’s annual training and learning summits 2015-2019.
Michael is also a Master Coach for Spartan 7 Round Table Phalanx Executive Experiential and Leadership Course under former U.S. Navy SEALs Dan Cerrillo and Chriss Smith.
Ostrolenk is the Director of Human Resilience at Apeiron Zoh. He works with medical and psychological staff creating online and in-person programs to transcend the limits of human performance and health.
Find out more about Michael and his work:
Social channels: @emergenthuman and @mostrolenk