With brains wired for fear, acting with courage can be challenging. However, training courage is not as hard as we might think. As we develop courage through our body-mind system, courage becomes part of us – part of our character. We can’t think of a more important way to lead, connect, and step into what we’re truly made for.
Here Jake and Cole discuss the first Character Power Tool from their new book, Total Potential: How to Create a Culture of Growth and Wellness so your Whole Family can Thrive. That’s right. Time to talk courage.

Jake & Cole
Sibling founders of Total Potential, Jake and Cole, are on a mission to make family life the most vibrant and important place to grow and thrive. Like most siblings, these two are equally similar as they are different. Think yoga and jiu-jitsu, yin and yang - that is Cole and Jake in a nutshell.