Strong relationships are the backbone of family life. Relationships that support us, guide us, help us grow, and so much more. Whether that is with our spouse, our children, or even ourselves, it is safe to say we all wish for these relationships to be positive experiences. However, consistently feeling confident in knowing how to strengthen these relationships may not be so obvious. That is where these five A’s come in!
Nurturing relationships in meaningful ways was the topic of the conversation we shared with Dr. Michael Axelrod. He is a favorite guest, always full of wisdom and useful ways to optimize how we operate within our families.
These 5 A’s of nurturing and strengthening relationships will have you seriously considering all the amazing ways you can fully show up in your family in simple, actionable ways.
Listen in…
“People are like sunflowers. We grow in the direction of what feeds us.”
Are we choosing negative or positive attention to feed the sunflowers which in this case is the type of light we feed our relationships? Relationships built on positive, affirming foundations strengthen over time. The foundation of strong relationships allows individuals and relationships to grow. The opportunity to be both the sun and the soil.

Dr. Mike Axelrod
Dr. Michael Axelrod is Director of the Human Development Center and a Professor in the Psychology Department at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. A licensed psychologist and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Dr. Axelrod has been working with children, adolescents, and families for over 20 years. He has also written numerous articles, book chapters, and books on topics involving clinical, pediatric, and school psychology. Dr. Axelrod’s primary clinical and research interests include helping parents and teachers solve problems involving academic, behavioral, and social/emotional functioning.